Capybara Evolution: Clicker

Capybara Evolution: Clicker

Experience a new clicker game with a cute capybara in Capybara Evolution: Clicker. It belongs to the guinea pig family so it looks like a mouse, but it is not harmful and always does cute actions that make many people love it. This is the reason for creating this game! Continuously click on capybaras to create more capybaras and unlock new achievements.

If you want to win, you need to have absolute patience. Because this game requires an extremely large number of clicks. To reach the Capybara continent achievement, players need to create a minimum of 650 million capybara and that is not the final achievement. No one has reached the end of this game, will you be the first? If that's true, give the name of Capybara Evolution's final achievement: Clicker. Have a great time!


  • Auto click - +1 capybara per second
  • Cursor - +1 capybara per click
  • Capybara - +25 capybaras per second
  • Steel cursor - +50 capybaras per click
  • Capybara family - +2k capybaras per second
  • Capybara farm - +25k capybaras per second
  • Capybara temple - +200k capybaras per second
  • Golden cursor - +500k capybaras per click
  • Capybara town - +45M capybaras per second
  • Capybara continent - +650M capybaras per second

And so on.

How To Play

Click to the capybara at the center of the screen

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