Geometry Dash Bosshunter

Geometry Dash Bosshunter

Geometry Dash Bosshunter is a 10 star, 3-user-coin Epic Easy Demon Level. As the latest installment of our Easy Demon series, this level is perfect for casual players of the Geometry Dash Series. You'll be delighted by modern designs, which have both attractive user interfaces and novel dangers.

The griffpatch, hoppingicon, and original Bosshunter by Nico99 from The GD full version online levels, as well as the game's copyright owners, deserve all the credit. Downloading the game will help them out.

How To Play

Press [up] [w] [space] [ctrl] [capsLK] [f1]-[f12] or click to jump and to jump on yellow rings

Avoid the spikes In ship mode, hold to fly up and release to fly down

Hit a yellow pad to jump high

Hit a blue pad to jump higher (missing a gravity portal)

For bonus points, collect the coins

Press L to toggle effects (to reduce lag)

Press B to toggle background (can also reduce lag)