Go to Geometry Dash Lite

Players have given Geometry Dash Lutetia - the Epic Medium Demon French 10 stars of difficulty. You'll be amazed by contemporary designs because of the attractive user interfaces they provide and the unique dangers they pose.
Griffpatch, hoppingicon, and the creators and owners of the GD full version online levels and copyright for this game (UltraS4, KlaurosssS, N3moProd, LaserSword33, rZary, CreatorToile, Furorem, Pepsaiko, Hir0shi, Tesla, RetrOHeaD, lAbyssl, Vlexin, YuyuGMD, J0ey
Press [up] [w] [space] [ctrl] [capsLK] [f1]-[f12] or click to jump and to jump on yellow rings
Avoid the spikes In ship mode, hold to fly up and release to fly down
Hit a yellow pad to jump high
Hit a blue pad to jump higher (missing a gravity portal)
For bonus points, collect the coins
Press L to toggle effects (to reduce lag)
Press B to toggle background (can also reduce lag)