Go to Geometry Dash Lite

Crazy challenges in Geometry Dash nitrosphere - our new game will have you struggling to win. Scale your knowledge with the Geometry Dash series and the hard, easy, insane levels. Enter a new dimension with traps everywhere, unlike any previous version, you will be surprised with every change in this improved version. However, it will not be for those who are just starting with geometry dash because of the incredible difficulty.
Press [up] [w] [space] [ctrl] [capsLK] [f1]-[f12] or click to jump and to jump on yellow rings
Avoid the spikes In ship mode, hold to fly up and release to fly down
Hit a yellow pad to jump high
Hit a blue pad to jump higher (missing a gravity portal)
For bonus points, collect the coins
Press L to toggle effects (to reduce lag)
Press B to toggle background (can also reduce lag)