Plants Vs. Zombies: Original

Plants Vs. Zombies: Original

Have you ever used a bigger screen to play Plants Vs. Zombies: Original? This well-known game was first released for phones many years ago, but it is now playable on larger displays such as those found on an iPad, laptop, or PC. The game's rules are straightforward: prevent various zombie species from entering the bearded man's home. He is encircled by innumerable zombies and is in a terrible state of terror. Follow the directions on the screen to avoid zombie assaults and to unlock a ton of new plants that will come in handy in later bouts.

Plants in Plants Vs. Zombies: Original

  • Peashooter: The basic offensive plant that shoots peas at zombies.
  • Sunflower: Generates sun, which is used as currency to plant other plants.
  • Cherry Bomb: Explodes in a 3x3 area, dealing massive damage to nearby zombies.
  • Wall-nut: Provides a barrier that blocks zombies and absorbs damage.
  • Potato Mine: A mine that takes time to arm, but explodes when stepped on by a zombie.
  • Snow Pea: Shoots frozen peas that slow down zombies.
  • Chomper: Eats a zombie whole but has a recharge time after each use.
  • Repeater: Shoots two peas at a time, effectively doubling the damage output of a Peashooter.
  • Puff-shroom: A short-range plant that shoots spores at zombies during the night levels.
  • Sun-shroom: Provides small sun at first but grows into a larger sun-producing plant over time.
  • Fume-shroom: Shoots fumes that pass through obstacles and hit all zombies in its lane.
  • Grave Buster: Removes graves from the lawn, which can block plant placement.
  • Hypno-shroom: When eaten by a zombie, it hypnotizes the zombie to fight for the player's side.
  • Scaredy-shroom: Shoots long-range projectiles but hides when zombies get near.
  • Ice-shroom: Freezes all zombies on the screen temporarily.
  • Doom-shroom: Creates a massive explosion, destroying all zombies in a 3x3 area but has a long recharge time.
  • Lily Pad: Allows non-aquatic plants to be planted on water.
  • Squash: Squashes the first zombie that comes into its lane, but has a recharge time.
  • Threepeater: Shoots peas in three lanes (front, middle, back).
  • Tangle Kelp: Grabs the first zombie that steps into water and pulls it under.
  • Jalapeno: Destroys an entire lane of zombies with a fiery explosion.
  • Spikeweed: Damages zombies that walk over it, especially effective against vehicles.
  • Torchwood: Converts peas passing through it into fireballs, dealing more damage.
  • Tall-nut: Tall version of Wall-nut with more health but otherwise similar function.
  • Sea-shroom: Water version of Puff-shroom, only available in aquatic levels.
  • Plantern: Lights up dark areas and reveals invisible zombies (like Digger Zombies).
  • Cactus: Shoots spikes that can hit multiple zombies in a straight line.
  • Blover: Clears fog temporarily and blows away Balloon Zombies.
  • Split Pea: Shoots peas forward and backward in its lane.
  • Starfruit: Shoots stars in five directions (front, back, and sides).

Every plant has advantages and disadvantages, and the player must position them carefully in various stages and conditions to repel waves of zombies that are harder to defeat. Gameplay becomes more intricate and difficult as players advance and come across various kinds of zombies and new plants.

Zombies in Plants Vs. Zombies: Original

  • Zombie: The basic zombie, walks slowly and eats plants.
  • Flag Zombie: Carries a flag that signals the end of the wave. Appears at the start of each wave.
  • Conehead Zombie: Wears a traffic cone on its head, providing extra durability.
  • Pole Vaulting Zombie: Vaults over the first plant it encounters unless it's a Tall-nut or a Magnet-shroom.
  • Buckethead Zombie: Wears a bucket on its head, providing significant extra durability.
  • Screen Door Zombie: Carries a screen door that blocks straight shots, must be removed before damage can be dealt.
  • Football Zombie: Wears football gear that absorbs a lot of damage.
  • Dancing Zombie: Summons Backup Dancers that dance their way across the lawn, absorbing damage.
  • Backup Dancer: Follows the Dancing Zombie, absorbing damage.
  • Ducky Tube Zombie: Wears an inflatable duck tube and floats in the pool.
  • Snorkel Zombie: Wears a snorkel and goggles, allowing it to submerge in the pool.
  • Zomboni: Drives an ice resurfacing machine that crushes plants and leaves an ice trail behind.
  • Flag Zombie (Bobsled Team): Leads a team of zombies on a bobsled in the ice levels.
  • Dolphin Rider Zombie: Rides a dolphin through the pool, jumping over the first plant it encounters.
  • Jack-in-the-Box Zombie: Carries a jack-in-the-box that explodes after a short delay.
  • Balloon Zombie: Floats over most plants unless countered by Blover or Cactus.
  • Digger Zombie: Digs underground and bypasses most plants, resurfacing closer to the house.
  • Pogo Zombie: Hops over plants, moving quickly towards the house.
  • Yeti Zombie: Rare zombie that drops a diamond when defeated.
  • Bungee Zombie: Drops down from the sky and steals a plant, then floats away.
  • Ladder Zombie: Uses a ladder to climb over obstacles like Wall-nuts and Tall-nuts.
  • Catapult Zombie: Hurls basketballs that damage plants from a distance.
  • Gargantuar: Giant zombie that crushes plants and throws an Imp when its health is halved.
  • Imp: Thrown by Gargantuars or catapults, moves quickly and can jump over plants.

For a certain plant combination or approach to be effective, one must defeat each unique kind of zombie. Deepness and difficulty are introduced to the gameplay as players advance through the game and come across more zombies with progressively complicated behaviors and skills.

How To Play

Use your mouse to play this game


  • Click to select a card
  • Click on the grass to put your seed

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