The Impossible Quiz 2

The Impossible Quiz 2

The Impossible Quiz 2 is a great brain game that challenges your creativity. This is a thrilling ride through a maze of tricky questions that require players to use out-of-the-box thinking to answer. Players will not be able to imagine what kind of questions the system will ask because it covers so many different areas. Depending on the knowledge you have, agility and cleverness, players can achieve different achievements. Therefore, if you are looking for a game that challenges your brain with many difficult questions, this is a great choice.

How To Play

This game has many difficult questions with many meanings, tricks and puns. It gives 4 answers and only 1 is correct, choose wisely.

There are a total of 110 questions and you only have a maximum of 3 chances to answer incorrectly. Additionally, you can also use the skip feature if it is beyond your understanding. However, if you are still persistent in wanting to find the correct answer, increase your speed because each question has a time limit. If the player does not give the correct answer before time runs out, the game will end immediately.

Good luck!